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Self-Adhesive Wallpaper Large Wall Mural Series (100"x144", Starry Night)
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Self-Adhesive Wallpaper Large Wall Mural Series (100"x144", Starry Night)
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The starry night image was very, VERY forgiving of our mistakes (which were many). Even when we cut it short, we were able to realign the cut edge, get it down to the correct height and cut it again. You would not be able to notice that mistake at all now! For the first foot of the first section, we 1) accidentally cut the top trying to use the putty knife to get it into the corner, 2) ended up pulling the paint off of the wall trying to reposition it 3) spent a good 20 minutes painstakingly pulling off the paint from the adhesive backing, and 4) still managed to wrinkle the hell out of it while pressing it to the wall...it was bad! So we literally cut our losses, and cut across the section at about 1.5 feet down, repositioned the cut section and tried to align it to the already pressed section as best we could, and started with our successful technique. The line where we cut for that is a bit more noticeable because of the wrinkles and general crappiness of our initial job. But from 1 foot away, you can't notice the wrinkles at all and from 2ish feet you can't notice the cut either!
The only complaint I had was that it is not incredibly repositionable...well, at least not for our walls. It ended up peeling off the paint. But overall, I would highly recommend this product. Even with our imperfect start, the ending still looks incredible!