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Leaf Wall Art - (Cont'd)


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Leaf Prints FAQ

Dull walls? That can be frustrating. No need to bring them down. Just a little tweak, and you might absolutely love them.

Some leaf wall art will cover your walls with beauty. They might cause a magical transformation to your space. We've sampled some typical user questions below. Take a look at what our home decor experts have to say;

What Can A Leaf Symbolize in Art?

Life – A fresh leaf is a sign of life. The green substance on it, chlorophyll, is critical to the growth of plants. It sustains them by providing food and energy. Just the view of a fresh green leaf is in itself proof of life. Leaf prints on your wall are a constant reminder of how precious life is. And that we should treasure every moment.

Growth and Rebirth – The most amazing aspect of nature is growth. For some, it's also one of the most exciting subjects. In plants, for instance, growth starts when leaves absorb light from the sun. They use this to manufacture food for the plants. Slowly they develop into bigger branches and eventually a tree.

Death – Death is part of nature. Sad as it is, it's inevitable. Like all other living things, plants go through this, too. During autumn, leaves dry out and fall. A brown leaf piece can symbolize death. Having such a painting on your wall not only can add to its beauty but can serve lots of life lessons, too.

Hope – Sometimes, nothing preaches hope more than plants that have dried out but start sprouting again. It can be a magical feeling to watch fresh fruit grow surrounded by thick fresh leaves. A leaf print in your space will remind you to be hopeful. It's a sign that good things can come after going through a tough situation.

Nature – Just the mention of nature brings tropical forests, flowers, and plants to mind. These are important parts of nature. They give rise to life and sustain it. Everyone wants to be associated with such an environment. You can bring these surroundings right to your house. Just put some leaves print up on your wall.

What Are The Different Types of Leaf Art?

Abstract – This art is more visual and practical. An artist uses simple reference points to get his/her ideas across. Simplicity and elegance are what make it stand out. Instead of actual images, the emphasis is on simple colors and objects. Abstract leaf art prints are common. They also can look adorable on the walls.

Black and White – Here, we go raw – without multi-colors. Also called monochrome, this style mainly does black, white, and a bit of gray. Monochrome leaves wall decor might just end up being the most beautiful thing you've ever seen.

Impressionist – Impressionism has existed since the late 1800s. This type of art is based outdoors. It relies heavily on light. The elegant choice of colors and the careful strokes have given birth to many masterpieces. That makes it a great style for nature. Even better, for leaf artwork.

Environment art – As the name suggests, this type of art is nature-inspired. The styles date back to the 1960s and 1970s. Such works take on objects directly from their natural setting. An artist can sculpt leaf decor using natural materials like twigs or rocks. The results are amazing.

Wooden – This is one of the oldest yet most elegant designs. This design style sometimes includes sculpturing, engraving, or any piece of art made of wood or faux wood. Leaves art sculpted from wood can look great, but faux wood canvas prints do too!

What Type of Decor Styles Work Best With This Style Of Art?

Mid-Century Modern – This style dates back to the 1950s and 60s. It borrows some elements of minimalism. The quiet fabrics and contemporary furnishings are the most notable things about this style. This, coupled up with some leaves framed art, gives the room a vibrant, diverse look.

Coastal – This style takes on a mix of the beach house and coastal elements. Here, we go with bright colors to absorb the sun's rays. Such elements would blend perfectly with leaves canvas art. A green banana leaf piece, for instance, with a few shades of blue to match up the ocean will do. Add on some relaxed yet elegant finishes, and this could end up being your favorite style.

Rustic – This style draws its inspiration from the outdoors. We borrow some elements of industrial and farmhouse styles. In this style, we are keen on natural materials such as wood and weathered finishes. The elegant furnishings and classy lighting can probably blend with any plant art.

Contemporary – This style is often confused with the Modern style. The contemporary style is timeless. It incorporates classic and present-day elements. Simplicity, clean lines, and fine textures are what dominate this style. The lighting is simple yet effective. A mix of glass, stone, and metal can complete its beauty.

Transitional – This bears a close resemblance to the traditional style. It utilizes a mix of traditional and modern elements. The incredible balance can give the homes interior a warm and relaxed feel.

Where Is The Best Place To Hang This Type Of Art?

Living Room – The living room is usually one of the biggest rooms in the house. It's also likely one of the places you spend most of your time in. Some leaves home decor can work wonders to make your living room more elegant.

Bedroom – Nothing matches a goodnight's sleep after a long day of activities. Anything that connects you to nature can feel magical. Leaves wall art can be perfect for this.

Bathroom – Bathrooms are associated with relief and comfort. Many people believe every moment there should be therapeutic. Making the room beautiful, warm, and inviting will give you just that. Start by giving the walls a touch of beauty. Some leaf canvas art will do just fine.

Dining Area – A meal with your loved ones is one of the best moments for many people. Spruce up your dining area with elegant wall art decor.

In The Study – You need a near-perfect environment to work and meditate. A study room wouldn't be useful if it had dull walls. Throw in some gold leaf wall art to give it a classy and inviting look. Touch on the colors up, too. Keep them bright with simple but elegant furniture.

Where to Get High Quality Canvas Wall Art?

Your walls deserve some love. Check out our collection for the best leaf wall art. Invite a friend, too. Shop now!